Le Magazine

Kick your ass, kick your job!

These are hard times for job seekers. You now not only have to compete with French applicants, but also to factor in foreign competition.

These are hard times for job seekers. You now not only have to compete with French applicants, but also to factor in foreign competition.

Nowadays, everyone should be aware that job competition is fought at the global level.

At our offices, we often interview applicants who come from China or Russia… wanting to work in France! Companies now thoroughly look at international profiles because of such applicants’ open-mindedness and their skills in English and international markets, for example.

Internet has provided new opportunities in the job market. We can now, from our desks, know what’s happening in companies and what type of posts are vacant, all over the world. We can now also scope out firms located in other countries also without moving. And to think that it’s only a few years ago you had to seek information in print press or within your real life network!

French job market remains attractive, that is true. But be careful: you can fall under the threat of outsider enemies. Be a competitive applicant!


6 commentaires sur “Kick your ass, kick your job!”

Fanny dit :

J'ai envie de dire "friendly" ! ah ah ah (n'empêche, en parlant de maîtrise des langues étrangères, ce couac présidentiel n'est vraiment pas reluisant)

Elaee dit :


elaee dit :

@ Fanny, vous trouvez qu'on parle aussi mal l'anglais que François Hollande ? aïe ! mais nous sommes "sympathiques" quand même, non? 😉

ichabod dit :

L'inverse est aussi vrai, les français peuvent aller voir ailleurs très facilement; et je crois qu'ils sont bien appréciés à l'étranger…

Fanny dit :

Non pas du tout, c'est juste que cet article m'y a fait penser 😉 c'était une drôle d'anecdote, dans un monde où maîtriser l'anglais est devenu une exigence pour tous…. on voit que la règle n'est pas vraiment appliquée au sommet !

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